Ethical Hacking | Ethical Hacking | Introduction and important practical concepts

Ethical Hacking | Ethical Hacking | Introduction and important practical concepts

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What you’ll learn:
  • Linux operating system basics
  • Fundamentals of computer networking
  • Practical concepts in penetration and protection
  • Using different tools for protection and penetration

 purpose of this course is to learn protection and hacking techniques to protect oneself and not to harm others or use them for bad purposes. In this course, we will learn many theoretical and practical concepts of protection and penetration using the Kali Linux operating system and various tools. We will learn the role of each Including them step by step and we apply everything in a practical way to ensure the correct learning of each concept. In the course we will learn the following:

1- We will learn the basics of the Kali Linux operating system (which is almost the same as any other Linux distribution)
2- We will learn some important basics of computer networks
3- We will learn a set of tools used in hacking, starting from simple tools to any more advanced tools
4- We will learn to use Metasploitable and use it within Protection and Hacking Operations
5- We will also learn different types of attacks such as Dictionary Attack and Dos Attack
6- In this course we will also learn how to use website hacking tools designed with WordPress
7- We will also learn how to jailbreak compressed files i.e. those that have the suffix Rar and Zip
8 – We will also learn to use other hacking tools like xHydra, Airgeddon and others
9- We will also learn Anonymous techniques and the use of techniques such as VPN as well as information gathering techniques using different tools for that in a practical and step-by-step manner.
The most important thing in the course is that each theoretical concept will be applied in a practical step-by-step manner

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Who this course is for:
  • Anyone interested in the field of protection and hacking
  • Students of Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer Science

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